GG Elks treat vets to steak meal


The Garden Grove Elks traveled to the Veterans Hospital in Long Beach for the group's bi-annual steak and bake for the hospitalized veterans who have served us so well.

This treat for the veterans is highly anticipated and very popular with both the hospital staff and the patients.

The Elks treated about 100 veterans and staff to barbecued steak, baked potatoes and dessert. Organizing the event on a regular basis is Lodge Secretary Jim Faulkner and his staff of 12 Garden Grove Elks.

The Garden Grove Elks traveled to the Veterans Hospital in Long Beach for the group's bi-annual steak and bake for the hospitalized veterans who have served us so well.

This treat for the veterans is highly anticipated and very popular with both the hospital staff and the patients.

The Elks treated about 100 veterans and staff to barbecued steak, baked potatoes and dessert. Organizing the event on a regular basis is Lodge Secretary Jim Faulkner and his staff of 12 Garden Grove Elks.

For more information about the Elks or the Garden Grove Elks Lodge, call 714-534-1952 or